Cosas que me gusta hacer porque sí / IV

Santiago de Chile, 2013


[ESP]COSAS QUE ME GUSTA HACER PORQUE SI ha sido una serie de intervenciones urbanas creada en Enero del 2012, con el fin de estrechar los vínculos entre el transeúnte y la ciudad. En esta ocasión, junto a cientos de personas que participaron en la manufactura de la obra, se levantó la cuarta versión de la serie. Se trataba de 8.000 grullas de origami, hechas de papel reciclado, que fueron colgadas frente al Cementerio General, ofreciéndose como un regalo de los ciudadanos a nuestra historia y nuestra capital.  

[ENG] THINGS THAT I LIKE TO DO JUST BECAUSE was a series of urban art interventions created in January 2012 in an attempt to link pedestrians more closely with the city. On this occasion, the fourth installment of the series was set up in collaboration with hundreds of people who contributed to making the piece. It consisted of 8,000 origami cranes made from recycled paper, which were hung in front of the General Cemetery as an offering from the people of the city to our history and our capital.

Specifications:  The work was made from 8,000 origami cranes, which were created by various schools and institutions in Santiago. Each of the cranes was made and strung by hand. The set-up was carried out by 7 people and lasted for 4 days.


Proceso / Process


Technical Specifications

Place: Plazoleta Avenida La Paz, in front of the General Cemetery. Area covered: 150 meters approx. Weight: 25 kilos approx. Materials: Recycled paper, fishing line, high resistance scotch. Exhibition time: 1 month Specifications: The work consisted of 8,000 origami cranes that were made together with different schools and institutions in Santiago. Each of the cranes was made and spun by hand. Its installation was carried out by 7 people and took 4 days.